Janet Carr is the creator and producer of Good Game, an Australian television gaming program focusing on gaming news, reviews, and
features on gamers, game designers, etc. Good Game staff also
maintained an online presence with the audience, allowing direct
communication and feedback from viewers – including audience
competitions and polls. To further cater for their audience, Good
Game created a mobile application and a book.

Taking its name from the gamer phrase ‘good game’, Good
Game’s first episode aired in 2006 on the Australian Broadcasting
Corporation (ABC). Being aired on the ABC required Good Game
to adhere to the Australian Broadcasting Corporation Act 1983,
therefore required Janet Carr and staff that “the gathering and
presentation […] of news and information is accurate and impartial
according to the recognized standards of objective journalism.”
Thus, Good Game was not permitted to advertise, sponsor, or be
‘gifted’ any material presented on Good Game. Such stringent
measures meant Good Game’s journalism was the result of their own
research presented in a neutral and unbiased manner.

Good Game ran for twelve seasons (four hundred and seventeen
episodes), during which time it received numerous awards.